Welcome to Our Disclaimer and Approval Page
At PT Motion Global Ventures, transparency and clear communication are our priorities. Below, you'll find important terms and conditions regarding your installation process. Please review them carefully to understand the responsibilities of both parties and ensure a smooth experience.

For further details or questions, feel free to contact our team

Approval of Terms
By signing the physical inspection form, you confirm that you have reviewed and approved all the terms and conditions listed below. This includes the approval of completed work, payment terms, and liability conditions.

1. Approval of Work: The client or authorized representative agrees to inspect and approve the completed work immediately upon installation or within 1 hour of completion. If no concerns are raised within this period, the installation is deemed approved.

Persetujuan Pekerjaan: Klien atau perwakilan resmi setuju untuk memeriksa dan menyetujui pekerjaan yang telah selesai segera setelah pemasangan atau dalam waktu 1 jam setelah pemasangan selesai. Jika tidak ada masalah yang disampaikan dalam periode ini, pemasangan dianggap disetujui.

2. Payment Terms: Payment is due immediately upon installation approval.

Ketentuan Pembayaran: Pembayaran harus dilakukan segera setelah pemasangan disetujui.

3. Pre-Existing Damages: The client acknowledges that any pre-existing damages noted during the pre-inspection are not the responsibility of PT Motion Global Ventures.

Kerusakan Sebelumnya: Klien mengakui bahwa segala kerusakan yang sudah ada sebelumnya yang tercatat selama pemeriksaan awal bukan tanggung jawab PT Motion Global Ventures.

4. Liability: The company is not liable for issues not explicitly noted in the pre/post-inspection checklist.

Tanggung Jawab: Perusahaan tidak bertanggung jawab atas masalah yang tidak disebutkan atau dicatat secara eksplisit dalam daftar pemeriksaan awal / akhir.

5. Details of Work: The client confirms that the details of the room(s) and window installation, as outlined in Appendix A, are accurate and form part of this agreement.

Detail Pekerjaan: Klien mengonfirmasi bahwa rincian ruangan dan pemasangan kaca, sebagaimana tercantum dalam Appendix A, adalah akurat dan menjadi bagian dari perjanjian ini.